December 21, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Luke 21:1-4 ~ Jesus looked up and saw some rich people putting their gifts to God into the Temple collection box. Then he saw a poor widow put two small copper coins into the box. He said, “This poor widow gave only two small coins. But the truth is, she gave more than all those rich people. They have plenty, and they gave only what they did not need. This woman is very poor, but she gave all she had to live on.”

From these verses, we learn that Jesus closely observes the things that are done here on earth. We read "He looked up and saw the rich men putting their gifts into the collection box. He also saw a poor widow putting in two copper coins."

At this point, one could imagine that Jesus would have been completely occupied with the things immediately before Him. His betrayal, His unjust judgment, His cross, His passion, and His death were all close at hand. Yet he is taking note of all that is going on around Him. It is not beneath Him, to observe the conduct of a "certain poor widow."

Nothing is too little to escape His observation. He measures littleness and greatness very differently from the measure of man. Events in our own daily life, to which we attach no importance, are often very important in Christ's sight.

Take comfort in this mighty truth. Remember daily that Jesus takes account of everything that is done on earth, whether it be deeds or gifts, Jesus recognizes the smallest contributions as He makes the largest contributions.

To believe this thoroughly, leads to contentment. Contentment is an attitude that says “I will be happy with what God has given me and what I give to the Kingdom of God”. Stand firm, and you will win life.


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